Frey controls pretty smoothly and runs at a pretty good speed. Let’s get into what you want to hear about now, the gameplay. However, that’s a discussion for another day. I know people generally like demos that give you the beginning of the game and let you carry over save data but I prefer this system as I personally feel a majority of games do not have strong openings. The demo wisely doesn’t start you at the beginning of the game but rather let’s you play a segment in the middle. Speaking of which, let’s talk about that demo! The year is 2022 and video games are really expensive man! Thank God this is one of the rare few modern games to get a sizeable demo or else this might have fallen off my radar entirely. However, I wasn’t interested enough to just pick up the game at full price next month. While it’s true that the game industry is full of open world games its hard to name many good high fantasy ones other than the Elder Scrolls or the Witcher, so I was immediately interested.

Where everyone else just saw a sparky protagonist I saw a video game that may be worth picking up. I’ve never been one to just look at and agree with internet trends though. The reason has almost entirely been because of the game’s dialogue which is full of snark and sarcastic humor in an era where the internet has begun to reject the style. For the past year Forspoken has sort of been a laughing stock in locations such as Twitter. The game’s premise is that a young woman from New York gets transported to a fantasy world and gains magical powers that she must use to save the world. Last year Luminous Productions and Square Enix revealed their new open world action RPG Forspoken.